Georg Baumgartner – Freising

The Pullinger Hof in Freising was founded by Georg Baumgarter's grandfather in the 1920s and he took it over in 1996. Georg runs the 22-hectare farm full-time with his wife Lydia. When working on the farm, both can fall back on agricultural training and put their knowledge into both arable farming and animal husbandry.

In addition to spelt and oats for Barnhouse, the family also builds winter wheat, triticale, winter barley, luzelle, winter peas and buckwheat. Georg and Lydia also take care of their approximately 300 laying hens and run their own farm shop, which is open daily.

With the takeover of the farm came the conversion to organic. “ It is important to me to work in harmony with nature. The use of chemicals and other things always shows its traces in the soil, water and in the air. I've always wanted to avoid that," explains the Bioland/Tagwerk farmer.

“On my farm I have the opportunity to take into account many factors: Seeing and feeling existing soil conditions, appropriate tillage of individual crops. The weather and the lunar cycle are also taken into account, as well as crop rotation. This results in a good harvest and the health of the soil.”, Georg explains to us about his work.

It is important to him to use existing resources and also to let art, music and love flow into the work. In other words, "paradise on earth" , as Georg calls it.

The cooperation with us is also important to the farmer: "I see the efforts of the company to face the sustainability and the bio-regional connection of producer, processor and consumer and to establish a good cooperation between all parties. A thank you to all those who wre committed to this good cause!”